
Confessing the Faith: Reformers Define the Church, 1530–1580 is unavailable, but you can change that!

Reformers Define the Church, 1530–1580 This book explores the implications of the fact that Lutherans have always viewed themselves as “confessional”—and thus “confessing.” The bold confessions serve as a model and an inspiration for all contemporary Christians who likewise want to proclaim the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world.

in such a forum become a standard of dogma, a secondary authority for teaching the faith, and a key in the interpretation of Scripture. Not since Nicea had such a confession become a fundamental definition of what Christians believe and teach. The document immediately set the standard by which the Augsburg confessors themselves and their followers were to be judged; and it became their agenda as they proclaimed, taught, and lived out the Christian life. This confession defined the essence of the
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